Youth Co:Lab in Indonesia was launched in 2018, co-led by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) through the Innovative Financing Lab and Citi Foundation through Citi Indonesia. Youth Co:Lab in Indonesia started as a support programme for early-stage enterprises from outside the island of Java (Indonesia’s most populous island) that empowers young people to create innovative and sustainable solutions for the social issues around them. To support the youth entrepreneurship ecosystem in Indonesia, Youth Co:Lab Indonesia has partnered with the Indonesian Coordinating Ministry of Human Development and Cultural Affairs, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Ministry of National Development Planning, local governments, and other key stakeholders.
Youth Co:Lab in Indonesia is working under the 4 pillars of Youth Entrepreneurship Initiative (YEI) which are Awareness, Action, and Advocacy.
Through Ideathonesia and democratization of youth entrepreneurship contents, Youth Co:Lab Indonesia focuses to increase the basic entrepreneurship skills of young people. Understanding that most business development is concentrated in Java, YCL Indonesia focuses to expand the exposure to outside Java.
Through the Youth Co:Lab Bootcamp, the action pillar has more focus on pre-seed and seed-stage enterprises which are willing to launch to market or scale up their business in a more impactful way. This programme focuses on participants mainly from outside of Java.
To ensure that the youth entrepreneurship ecosystems are fostered, UNDP Indonesia and Citi Foundation developed annual National Dialogues that discuss the challenges and opportunities to further grow the entrepreneurship ecosystem, as well as engaging with governmental partners through many of its collaborative programmes.
Alumni Engagement
Under this new pillar since 2022, Youth Co:Lab in Indonesia aims to consolidate its more than 450 youth-led social enterprises cohort for further engagement and monitoring, to ensure that their growth and impact do not stop after leaving the program. Through this pillar, we've also been able to collect more data and insights on how we can improve our program.
Our Impact in Indonesia
Youth-led Social Enterprises Supported
Business ideas
Women-led Social Enterprise in Youth Co:Lab Bootcamp's Cohort*
*currently active
Key Ministerial Partners
Direct contribution towards national strategy on youth entrepreneurship in Indonesia
Startups Showcase
Youth Co:Lab Indonesia Highlights
The first Youth Co:Lab programme in Indonesia was led by UNDP Indonesia’s Innovative Financing Lab, in partnership with Citi Foundation and co-working space provider, HUBUD. In its first initiative, 15 selected participants from Papua and Kalimantan attended a two-week bootcamp programme, from 1 November until 14 November, on policy recommendation, basic knowledge for startups, and business management.
In the first year of the pandemic, Youth Co:Lab Indonesia presented its flagship programmes in a virtual format. We hosted a series of webinars on COVID-19 and young people to tackle the challenges of the pandemic. We also surveyed the impact of the pandemic to Indonesia’s young entrepreneurs, created the first virtual Ideathonesia and Youth Co:Lab Bootcamp, and hosted an SDG Talks in commemoration of the International Youth Day in August. Discover our short recap to hear our Youth Co:Lab 2020 cohort’s review about the programme!

We kicked off the year 2019 with two events of Ideathonesia, where one was held in Jakarta (in March), and another one in Kupang (in July). It is then followed by the event of Youth Co:Lab Bootcamp, held in Balikpapan from September to October 2019. As part of the last activities during the year, the Bootcamp was followed by the 2019 National Dialogue.

In 2021, Youth Co:Lab continued to promote growth for young entrepreneurs across the country with programmes ranging from hosting the virtual National Dialogue on Youth Entrepreneurship 2021, Training of Trainers with the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ideathonesia, and Youth Co:Lab Bootcamp - where we had a public final pitch day hosted by Tech in Asia.
As part of efforts to provide more jobs for Indonesian youth, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) led by the Citi Foundation, in partnership with Indonesia’s Ministry of Youth and Sports, today hosted the Youth Co;Lab bootcamp, which aimed to support budding young entrepreneurs. Six contestants were chosen among 40 entries to receive funding and support to boost their business.
Strong involvement of youth entrepreneurs on green recovery makes full sense as entrepreneurship in Indonesia has long been a magnet for young people. UNDP and the Citi Foundation colead in youth entrepreneurship programme, Youth Co: Lab, which saw more evidence of this potential at the third national gathering of youth entrepreneurs.
National Research Publications
Impact of COVID-19 on Youth Entrepreneurs
Did you know that 84 percent of young entrepreneurs in Indonesia chose to stay connected with their network to support each other during the COVID19 pandemic? In times of crisis, peer support matters to survive your business. UNDP Indonesia through its Innovative Financing Lab held a survey with UNICEF’s U-reports to understand how the corona virus pandemic is impacting young entrepreneurs.
State of Ecosystem for Youth Entrepreneurship in Indonesia
Young people dominate the unemployed population in Indonesia: three-quarters of unemployed people were youth in 2019 and COVID-19 has further exacerbated the challenges young people face. UNDP – under the Youth Co:Lab initiative co-led by UNDP and Citi Foundation - the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) commissioned this study to provide data-driven recommendations to strengthen the ecosystem for youth entrepreneurship in Indonesia.
United Nations Indonesia
UN COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund
U-Report Indonesia
Partnerships and Collaborations
If you are keen to know more about the Youth Co:Lab initiative in Indonesia and would like to explore partnerships and collaborations, you can write to us to Mr. Randa Sandhita (randa.sandhita@undp.org), Mr. Rifki Fajar (rifki.hadiawan@undp.org) or innovativefinancinglab.id@undp.org
Visit us on Instagram: @innovativefinancinglab