The Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth

Decent Jobs for Youth is the UN global initiative advancing youth employment strategies under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It is an alliance of committed partners taking action at country and regional level across a variety of thematic priorities, sharing knowledge & leveraging resources for more & better jobs for youth. Its goal is to scale up action and impact on youth employment through effective, innovative and evidence-based interventions.

Commitment to Youth Empowerment
Decent Jobs for Youth is committed to our vision of a world in which young women and men everywhere have greater access to decent, productive work and addressing fragmentation and catalyse innovative action at all levels.

Target Countries/region:
Collaboration with Youth Co:lab

Decent Jobs for Youth will be part of the next Youth Co:Lab Summit. Decent Jobs for Youth also partnered with Youth Co:Lab for the COVID-19 Survey, the Joint Programme of Action and integrating Youth Co:Lab knowledge products to the Decent Jobs for Youth Knowledge Facility.
Learn more about our collaborations
Focusing primarily on SDG: