The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)

The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) serves as the United Nations’ regional hub promoting cooperation among countries to achieve inclusive and sustainable development. The largest regional intergovernmental platform with 53 Member States and 9 associate members, ESCAP has emerged as a strong regional think-tank offering countries sound analytical products that shed insight into the evolving economic, social and environmental dynamics of the region. The Commission’s strategic focus is to deliver on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which is reinforced and deepened by promoting regional cooperation and integration to advance responses to shared vulnerabilities, connectivity, financial cooperation and market integration. ESCAP’s research and analysis coupled with its policy advisory services, capacity building and technical assistance to governments aims to support countries’ sustainable and inclusive development ambitions.

Commitment to Youth Empowerment
The overall objective of ESCAP is to promote inclusive and sustainable economic and social development in the Asia-Pacific region, with priority accorded to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. This includes supporting youth empowerment and action as change agents and future leaders.

Target Countries/region:
Collaboration with Youth Co:lab

ESCAP Social Development Division(SDD) has collaborated with Youth Co:Lab on various joint knowledge products including Switched On and Youth Policy Toolbox etc. Moreover, SDD co-convened Asia-Pacific Youth Exchange Programme with Youth Co:Lab since January 2017 to support youth across APAC to create community programmes addressing SDGs (7 editions so far)
ESCAP Trade, Innovation and Investment Division has co-convened various global and regional thought leadership and policy advocacy dialogues on youth social entrepreneurship to strengthen the ecosystem with Youth Co:Lab (Social Enterprise World Forum 2017, Youth Co:Lab Summit 2018, Youth and Digital economy dialogue 2017, 4th ASEAN Economic Integration Forum 2019, Social Economy Leaders Forum 2019, Social Enterprise Advocacy and Leveraging Asia Conference - 2020)
ESCAP’s Catalyzing Women’s Entrepreneurship programme and Youth Co:Lab will coordinate and collaborate in advancing women youth entrepreneurship in key countries across the Asia-Pacific region.
Learn more about our collaboration
Focusing primarily on SDG: