![[TEMPLATE] YEP-AP Academy.png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/5033a0_02149e3521c74b38b1abf5b53f2801e1~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_981,h_12,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/%5BTEMPLATE%5D%20YEP-AP%20Academy.png)
Strategic intelligence hub
Formed in 2022, the Strategic Intelligence Hub (SIH) is a community of practice and learning- co-curated by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP Asia Pacific), Commonwealth Secretariat, International Labour Organization (ILO), Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP).
Using a three transitions approach (economic, skills and mental model transitions), key future policy trends for the youth entrepreneurship ecosystem were identified. These included enabling an inclusive youth entrepreneurship environment through strengthening the data ecosystems and evidence bank, facilitating digital access of all entrepreneurs to fully leverage the potential of a tech-driven future of work, and building the capacity of young entrepreneurs to actively lead the green and blue transition agendas across the region.
Expand regional and national understanding of relevant policies, regulatory frameworks and requirements through a youth entrepreneurship lens to identify common and differentiated ecosystem challenges and enablers for various youth groups.
Foster collective intelligence for South-South and triangular collaboration between government partners and other core stakeholders to bridge data evidence gaps and strengthen enablers for ecosystem development

Identify leverage pathways and offers for research and thought leadership to influence policy, programmes and partnerships development around thematic priority areas identified by the hub at the regional and national levels
Increase understanding of the Youth Co:Lab, Commonwealth Secretariat and the Youth Empowerment Alliance’s support offers, including the ecosystem diagnostic methodology, and ways government actors can leverage key partnerships with development actors
During the Youth Co:Lab Summit 2023, the government track under the Strategic Intelligence Hub (SIH), focused on “Policy Experiments for the Inclusive Entrepreneurship Ecosystem”. It convened policymakers from over 15 countries in the region in an interactive and dynamic setting to ideate, design, and refine innovative policy experiments that foster an enabling environment for all young entrepreneurs.

learn more through OUr thought leadership developmenT WEBINARS
![[TEMPLATE] YEP-AP Academy.png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/5033a0_02149e3521c74b38b1abf5b53f2801e1~mv2.png/v1/crop/x_0,y_439,w_1920,h_112/fill/w_273,h_16,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/%5BTEMPLATE%5D%20YEP-AP%20Academy.png)
Women and Youth at the Forefront of a Just Transition:
Spotlight on MSMEs in Asia-Pacific
In commemoration of the International Day for Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) on June 27th, this webinar organized by the UNDP Asia-Pacific Regional Hub and the UNDP Seoul Policy Center, aims to shed light on the crucial role of women and youth-led MSMEs in achieving a just transition in the Asia-Pacific region. The region is home to over 100 million MSMEs, many of which are led by women and youth, making these groups essential contributors to economic growth, job creation, and environmental sustainability.
Strengthening data ecosystem for inclusive youth entrepreneurship in Asia and Pacific
Inclusive youth entrepreneurship refers to the involvement of young people from diverse backgrounds, including those from marginalized communities, in entrepreneurial activities. While there are many opportunities for inclusive youth entrepreneurship, there are also several challenges that need to be addressed. The webinar called for the need to strengthen the inclusive data ecosystem, especially for vulnerable youth groups. It is critical for promoting inclusive economic growth and ensuring that no one is left behind.
South-South Cooperation on including youth in green transition
Around 60% of Asia’s and 20% of Latin America’s and Africa’s population are young people, which presents the regions with opportunities for green economic growth and innovation led by youth. The webinar highlighted unleashing the potential of youth for a greener future and calls for south-south cooperation around engaging young people (entrepreneurs) in the green transition through knowledge sharing, capacity building, and technology transfer between countries facing similar development challenges.
The policy brief provides an overview of Asia Pacific's progress on green transition and the role youth entrepreneurs play in advancing and enabling a green economy. This also includes insights into the barriers to green transition and how to align priorities with the future of the young population and its economic and social well-being.

Collective Intelligence Hub workshop on Digitalization for Youth Engagement and Inclusion in Asia Pacific
Young people have been at the forefront of this transformation, leveraging digital technology to establish new ventures and turn their entrepreneurial ideas into realities. They are also the most active and influential users of newer technology and digitally-driven platforms, as opposed to the older generations. The webinar focuses on equipping young people with the targeted education, skills, capacities (financial, technological, infrastructural), and behavioral interventions to forge a culture of greater digital integration.

The policy brief gives a background on decent employment opportunities in the Asia Pacific and the current landscape and opportunities related to digital transformation. This also provides policy recommendations to support and expand the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the region and at national and sub-national levels.
Digitalization for Youth Engagement and Inclusion in Asia Pacific
This webinar was an insightful discussion on the digital divide and who are the key stakeholders in building a digital future. This webinar also introduced the Strategic Intelligence Hub, which curates meaningful discussions around emerging policy themes that would allow for fostering a collaborative effort for youth entrepreneurship growth by the policy stakeholders, particularly showcasing the lived experiences of South-South cooperation.

The concept of Strategic Intelligence Hub (SIH) was presented at the Youth Co:Lab Summit in Singapore in July 2022 to 14 government representatives who engaged in discourse to scope out the vision and governance structure of the SIH and ideate south-south collaboration ideas on youth entrepreneurship policy programming within their country contexts and at the regional level.