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Zooming in on Youth Entrepreneurship Ecosystem: Toolkit for National Diagnostic Studies

This Toolkit was developed by Youth Co:Lab, co-led by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Citi Foundation, and the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) to provide actionable guidance to policymakers, development practitioners, researchers and young people interested in conducting an assessment or facilitating dialogues on the state of youth entrepreneurship in any geographical context. The guidance is based on the pilot assessments, and lessons learnt from national studies conducted by Youth Co:Lab, IsDB and country partners in Bangladesh (2021) and Indonesia (2022).

The national diagnostic studies have tested a diagnostics framework which has been developed to use a youth specific lens to understand the ecosystem enablers, barriers, and opportunities for youth entrepreneurship. The framework is informed by past research and policy advocacy work by Youth Co:Lab and IsDB building on previously used research frameworks and tools. The toolkit will highlight these frameworks, provide tools, and action lists to help the reader understand their own research needs and design the diagnostic study accordingly.

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